Dining with Diabetes is a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. In a series of four classes, participants will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices into their own kitchens to help manage their blood glucose. The program includes sampling healthy foods and discussion with a dietitian or certified diabetes educator, plus a follow-up "reunion" class held at a later date.
At Dining with Diabetes, you will:
Watch live cooking demos
Sample delicious food
Gain new insights on healthy eating
Learn new skills to manage your diabetes
Who would most benefit this program?
Anyone with concerns about diabetes or interested in controlling blood sugar, as well as a family member, friend, caregiver, or other support person.
Want more information?
For more information on the Dining with Diabetes series, contact Shannon Smith.
419-819-3078 or smith.11604@osu.edu
Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm
• January 17
• Janury 24
• January 31
Dining with Diabetes online class
Do you, or a loved one, suffer from diabetes? Educators and researchers at OSU Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences have developed a free online course to help participants learn about managing diabetes called Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen. The easy-to-follow online class can be done at a participants own pace and includes lessons, videos, and activities about carbohydrates, fats, sodium, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Participants can expect to learn:
- How important blood sugar and carbohydrates are for managing diabetes.
- How fats and sodium affect a healthy diet.
- The role vitamins, minerals and fiber play in a healthy diet.
- How to make healthy food choices when eating out and grocery shopping.
After completion of the course, participants will receive a printable certificate and will automatically be entered in a quarterly drawing for a $100 Amazon.com gift card.
Sign up is easy and free! Visit www.go.osu.edu/DWDBtK to enroll. If you don't already have one, you will need to create a free account with campus.extension.org to take advantage of all the materials. For questions or assistance, contact Dan Remley at remley.4@osu.edu or click here to read more about the program.